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The History of the Los Angeles Animal Services Department


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  • Mayor Advocating for Be Kind to Animals Week
    Sam Yorty; Be Kind to Animals Week; Robert Rush; Milton Berle; humane education; wildlife conservation; animal airlift | The fact that they keep referring to animal airlift as the epitome of being kind to animals during this week in particular, shows how during this time ecology was not understood as it is now. Animal airlift was in fact very harmful to not only the animals but also ecosystems.
  • Mayor Proclamation (BKAW)
    Sam Yorty; Be Kind to Animals Week |
  • Be Kind to Animals Week Draft
    | see B.35.46 for information
  • Be Kind to Animals Week Press Release 3
    Be Kind to Animals Week; pet ownership responsibility; Robert I. Rush; Spay and Neuter; dog licensing; cat tagging; leash law; Micheal Landon | Using the week to push their own agenda. Want everyone to be "kind to animals" until they are in human space (airlift)
  • It's a Dog's Life, and Death
    | -over 200,000 animals killed in LA county shelters yearly -It costs L.A. $4 million yearly to kill the dogs and cats -ironically they also charge $500 licensing fee for those who want to do the right thing and adopt a pet
  • Dog Enters house, Attacks Comatose Woman
    The dog entered the house through the doggy door. The event took place in Sun Valley at 11:30 am. The mother was able to scare dog away, but not before it chewed her daughter's foot
  • Foot of Dog- Attack Victim Amputated
    A comatose woman's foot got amputated after a dog attack, but is now in stable condition.
  • Woman's foot lost in dog attack
    | Officials are still hunting for the dog that severed the comatose woman
  • Puppy Love- national pet adoption week
    This photo is of Donna Hall who is embracing a puppy at the annual pet Adaptathon -this program started the " Be Kind to Animals Week"
  • Dog Mauls Canoga Park Man
    This newspaper clipping has dog attack victim, Gene Chen's, account of being attacked by two pit bulls in Canoga Park. He had 67 bite marks and cuts. The pit bull was quarantined after almost killing their neighbor. Owner Debbie Ports said she would understand if they euthanized her dogs and apologized.
  • Stemming the Tide of Animal Euthanasia
    | -Gini Barrett says its not possible to maintain the animals in the shelter without euthanizing some becomes of how many there are -Edison Cook explains how euthanization can be decreased by offering treatments to the un-adoptable animals -Peter Persic explains that there are too many animals and not enough homes to account for them -Elyse Mayberry explains that they need spay/neuter services at low costs
  • Restraining Pit Bulls
    Authorities remove a pit bull from the streets in a Canoga Park backyard after it attacked and killed Rudy Rios’ 4-month-old puppy.
  • Woman 85, Attacked by Dogs
    The 85 year old women was attacked at night by two Great Dane dogs. She got wounded all over her body, and had to go to the hospital to get her head, ears, and arms stitched up. The lady noted that she never had a problem with these dogs before, which is strange, given that suddenly act up in this manner.
  • Woman in stable condition after dog attack
    An elderly woman gets attacked by her next door neighbor's dog even though the dog knew her. Officers pepper sprayed the dog twice and fired three times at the dog as it prepared to charge for her.
  • Draft Meeting Minutes, Administrative Appeal Hearing
    -They want to implement a system to allow for better response when there is an emergency regarding shelter. Response: every shelter has made agency lines to solve this issue -The board approves to request from the General Manager that their name be changed to " Department of Animal Services of The City of Los Angeles" rather than "Department of Animal Regulation"
  • Board Agenda Sept 25, 2000
    Discusses the implementation of the pet overpopulation ordinance as well as an associated educational campaign.
  • What A Difference A Year Makes
    | Talks about how Dan Knapp was hoping to open the first no-kill facility and after a year, he was able to make one huge step towards that goal by making the East Valley Shelter the first "no kill" shelter
  • LA's Minister of Pets
    | Dan Knapp is working towards a no kill city where homeless dogs aren't killed for just existing or because of overpopulation. Also he wants to bring the Human society together by allowing everyone to pitch in, not just himself raising the funds
  • Board Minutes Sep 22, 1999
    Board of Animal Regulation addresses trading pit bulls for dog fights. The pit bull training program has been successful.
  • Board Minutes Oct 14, 1999
    Board of Animal Regulation announces how the Special Enforcement Unit (SEU) needs to extend its patrolling hours to help regulate the number of stray dogs.
  • Board Minutes Oct 21, 1999
    Board of Animal Regulation announces a huge budget increase that will go towards public education for animals.
  • Board Minutes Nov 1, 1999
    Public comments from animal activists are frequently mentioning specific dog breeds being stereotyped as aggressive, including bulldogs, Rottweilers, and pit bulls.
  • Board Minutes Jan 25, 1999
    Board of Animal Regulation |
  • Board Agenda Jan 25, 1999
    Board of Animal Regulation Commissioners. The board agenda minutes discuss recent state legislature at the time. SB 103 states that if an animal known to have a propensity towards violence attacks and kills a human being, the owner can be charged with a felony for not properly taking care of the animal. AB 103 is similar but applied to dog bites, where if a dog bites someone on two separate occasions, its owner can be charged with a misdemeanor.
  • Board Minutes March 1, 1999
    Board of Animal Regulation minutes on March 1, 1999. The board discusses the Hertzberg bill and discuss new public safety measures after a dog attack on a 14-month-old boy.
  • Board Minutes March 22, 1999
    Board of Animal Regulations discusses the approval of the Hertzberg Bill. How to deal with dangerous dogs was a prevalent topic.
  • Board Minutes April 5, 1999
    Board of Animal Regulation provides an update on the Pit Bull Training Classes.
  • Board Agenda Dec 6, 1999
    Discusses the proposed pet overpopulation ordinance, as well as the recent rabies case
  • The Anti-Killing Ordinance
    | States the goal which is to end dog one population in LA
  • Just One Litter Facts about Spaying And Neutering Your Pet
    | Talks about the benefits of spaying pets such as prevention of ovarian or uterine cancer
  • Pet Overpopulation pamphlet
    | -talks about the negative consequences of pet overpopulation
  • Humane Animal Control
    | - talks about how there must be a bill passed to have humane animal care -pet owner should own up to their responsibility to keep pets leashed -pet overpopulation actually results in more animal death
  • Spay and Neutering and Dog Leashing
    | All of these advertisements are meant to emphasize that pets are suffering and to stop this they need to be spayed so the population can be low enough to accommodate those who are alive.
  • Purebreds And Pet Overpopulation- The Case For A Breeding Moratorium
    | -Talks about breeding and the topic of purebreds -Talks about how pet shops are promoting the purchasing of mixed breeds
  • Pet overpopulation, newspaper clippings, booklets
    The Humane Society of the U.S, The Marin Humane Society, Perspective newspaper |
  • Euthanasia, no-kill shelters, directory
    USA Today, The Human Society of the U.S | For the euthanasia text it is shocking to see that they are justifying the killing of them because in shelters they'll stay lonely. They are arguing that shelters are worse than death.
  • Press Release- March of Dimes
    "Operation second chance" where ten children at the Orthopedic Hospital were allowed to select a pet of their own and take it home. The pets were from the Department of Animal Regulation
  • Letter in Regards To Attack Dogs Training
    -In this letter, Rush clarifies that they do not use their "attack dogs" but rather Sentry Dogs. -Rush provides sections on the Municipal Code, sections pertaining to Animal Regulation
  • Attack Dog Find Love After Abuse- News Articles
    - This is an article about a young couple who adopted a guard dog who was previously abondened. -This article not only shows the lasting affects of rescuing a dog, it also emphasizes the cruel system that is imposed upon guard dogs--training them to be mean so they can be sold to businesses.
  • Regulations For Keeping or Using Dogs Pamphlet
    - This pamphlet details the immunization requirements, veterinary exam requirements, water and feeding requirements, license, and shelter requirements for guard dogs. -I found it interesting that they have listed the water requirements for the dogs, because that is something that is not usually thought about. Here it states that the dog must have access to water all the times, and it must be in an area that is spill proof.
  • Ordinance No.164747
    | -No one is allowed to keep, use, or maintain a guard dog unless they have tag from the Department -The fee of $50 must be paid to the Department on an annual basis
  • Draft of Ordinance Amending Sections 53.15.2 Breeding License
    -Municipal code 53.15.2 envokes a fee increase to $50 for a breeders license, and to have a guard dog license at $50 a year
  • Letter- Difference between Guard Dog and Sentry Dog
    | Definition of Guard Dog: any dog kept, used, or maintained on commercial or industrial premise Definition of Sentry Dog: any dog that is trained to guard, protect, patrol any premise or area.
  • Ordinance Amendments to Section 53.66 Guard Dog Ordinance
    General Manager directive NO. 03-007 -Shelter amendments: Dog must be protected while being cleaned. Premise must contain shaded area for the dog during daylight hours. -Water amendment: Dog must have access to clean AND fresh water. Water must be kept out of the sun. -Feeding Amendments: dog owners mustn't just feed their dogs, but their food must be wholesome, palatable, and sufficient in quantity.
  • Developing Standards for Guard Dog Hire
    Some of the standards discussed include: -having an examination to assess how well the person and their dog are trained for anti-crime -completing a background check on the individuals -if the person has committed specific crimes, they be denied the position of a guard dog trainer
  • Letter Regarding Sentry Dog Licensing
    I found it interesting and sad that the reason behind the urgency of Sentry Dog Licensing involved an incident of a child's death. A child was mauled by a guard dog and eventually died. From then on, it was brought to their attention that something must be done to keep these dogs under control.
  • Sentry Dog Bulletin
    | - This document sets the guidelines for people to obtain security dogs and the licensing processes they must go through -After receiving the licensing, one must check the quality of what they invested in -> A guard dog must be alert, uninjured, and active. If this doesn't fit the description of the dog that was given, then they must contact the Department of Animal Regulation
  • Guard Dogs
    -The Overpopulation Program (POP) officers have become aware of an increase in the number of dogs licensed as guard dogs, even though they aren't kept on commercial property. -They proposed several changes including: prohibiting the ownership of pets that aren't vaccinated against rabies, ensuring that pets receive a physical examination, and ensuring guard dogs have a licensed tag
  • New Guard Dog Ordinance
    This ordinance explains that dog owners aren't complying with humane treatment guidelines. It has a copy of the ordinance on the following pages that details how owners should be treating their dogs.
  • Letter of Interest in Guard Dogs Ordinance
    | This letter is to Mr. Warburton and he thanks him for his interest in the new ordinance, and he will be sending him copies of the pamphlet soon