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The History of the Los Angeles Animal Services Department


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  • New manual Section 3:652 Guard Dog Investigation
    This new section protects people from the danger of any dogs, and also ensures the humane treatment of guard dogs
  • Letter from County Council
    | lita Oneill is thanking Rush or sending her the copy of the dangerous dog ordinance, which they adopted a pattern of the like. The second letter is from Rush and it discusses how he is proud that their county was able to move from a "Guard Dog" ordinance to a "Dangerous dog" ordinance.
  • Book signing event
    -There is a table for book signing and another table for Rug Rats - This event is taking place in front of a shelter - Time of the event " Be kind to Animals week'
  • Be Kind to Animals Week : Family sitting together
    There's a man holding up an art piece that says "Free the Animals" and it showcases different animals such as a bird, cat, and bear -The students are sitting down and it looks like they're in a banquet hall, church, or courthouse -The kids look excited to be there and the whole event seems to be centered on raising awareness about animal cruelty
  • Be Kind to Animals Week family photo
    -Elementary school kids are showing support for the "Be Kind to Animals Week" -They are all seated and it looks like they may be on a field trip to this event -All the students appear to be happy and are smiling for the camera
  • Be Kind to Animals Week Photos
    -There's a banner that says "Be Kind to Animals Week" -The people are holding the banner while in the court room -There's a woman speaking into a microphone and is probably receiving an award from the Dept. of Animal Regulation
  • Growing Number of Pit Bulls Being Bred for Combat
    Residents don't understand how serious of a crime pit bull fighting is, which is why it has become so common. Animal Regulation needs additional staff to handle dog fighting.
  • A violent Blood Sport that Breeds Big Bucks
    East Greenwich township police and Gloucester County animal control officers seized 17 adult pit bulls and 5 puppies for dog fighting training. Dog fight is illegal, yet people are still doing it in an organized fashion.
  • NewTimes Bullies
    "LA ganagstas are staging pit bull battles and bonding the wounded losers to the streets." These people are training them on how to fight yet they leave them in their pain after their entertainment show is over. Pit bulls and puppies sit in the street, abandoned, not able to meet their necessities, awaiting an Animal control Officer to rescue them.
  • Letter on "Pit Bullies"
    This letter argues that what needs to be done is to get lots of voters and cooperation of employees who are affected by the dog issue, rather than merely dumping a few dollars to the humane societies.
  • The Pit Bull Dilemma
    This packet has a lot of info about pitfall dog-fighting. In 1974, they were considering a dog-fighting ban. There was a pet pit bull who was killed after fatally injuring a boy. There are so many accounts of pit bulls killing children.
  • The Human Society - Animal Fighting
    The Humane Society pamphlet with brochures and other information regarding dog fight.
  • Brief documentary of the Animal Airlift, 1975
    A 1975 Documentary of the Los Angeles Animal Airlift, labeled "Proud Land". An interview with district supervisor Wes Mason, who takes the interviewer and several animals on a helicopter ride from the West Valley Shelter in Chatsworth to an unknown location in the Angeles National Forest where they release several animals. Digitized 16mm film. Digitized by UCLA IS Lab students Shawn Hall and Britany Valdez. Plus Diana Ascher
  • Animal World Episode (Bill Burrud) - The Los Angeles Animal Airlift 1969 16mm Film (digitized). Part 2 of 2
    A segment from the television show "Animal World", hosted by celebrity Bill Burrud, titled "Guardian Angels" which documents the Animal Airlift. A voiceover recounts the origin and purpose of the program, and follows pilot Ray Schutte and District Supervisor Wes Mason as they transport about a dozen animals from a shelter in LA to an undisclosed location in the Angeles National Forest. The episode begins with a Kal Kan Ad and ends with a Bill Burrud promoting the product. Filmed in 1969 or 1970; Unclear if it aired on television. Digitized by UCLA IS Lab students Shawn Hall and BritanyValdez with the help of Diana Ascher. Suffering "vinegar syndrome" pinkish tint.