Airlift unloading
- Title
- en Airlift unloading
- Description
- en Two officers unloading crates of animals after landing the helicopter | One of a series of animal airlift photos documenting the landing of a helicopter in the Angeles National forest and the release of animals | envelope reads 419 City Hall, Los Angeles, Department of Animal Regulation
- Type
- en image
- Relation
- Animal Airlift series, blurred helicopter
- Wes Mason releases an animal
- Officer releasing animals in the forest as part of the animal airlift
- Animal Airlift officer releases animal
- View of inside of crate with animal inside
- Opening a crate on the animal airlift
- Photo of an animal departing from the airlift
- View of animal departing from airlift
- A raccoon scurries out of a crate.
- Coverage
- en 1969-1975 Los Angeles and the Angeles National Forest
- Format
- en jpg
- Identifier
- en C.131.3.9
- Accrual Method
- en Scanner
- Site pages
- The Los Angeles Animal Airlift
- Media
- C.131.3.9.jpg